Tuesday Tips | Feeling Stressed?

Feeling Stressed? Feeling stressed? Life is not stressful but listening to the mind makes it so. I call the mind the “dramatizer”! Just listen to it and you can certainly feel stressed. The longer you give your mind attention the more dramatic the stories. Worry, stress, fear, and anger all come from mistaking the messages…


Tuesday Tips | Perspective

Perspective Perspective I am grateful to have the perspective of the dual self. I can see my true self… and I can see my personal self. I can see my personal self wanting to take over. I can observe it wanting to dialogue. It wants to converse. It wants me to tag on to its stories. Some are of…


Tuesday Tips | Morning Time

Morning Time Morning time  Early morning time can often set the stage for the rest of your day. Pay attention to your early morning routine. Are you creating a stage for peace or chaos? Replace noise and distraction with doses of quiet, enrichment, positivity and gratefulness. Take a look and make some subtle changes. 


Tuesday Tips | Relationships

Relationships Relationships  Frustrated? Angry? Confused? Judgmental? You think they should do what? Remember, your ego always wants to be better, stronger, smarter, and it loves to compare.  Examine what’s going on. Realize that your partner has the same issues. Their ego wants to be better, stronger, smarter, and also loves to compare.  So, when you feel…


Tuesday Tips | One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time One Step at a Time  Are you frustrated? Do you feel you should be further along?  Are you overwhelmed? Are you being hard on yourself? Are you being realistic? Do you need to reevaluate? Put things in perspective. Take a deep breath… close your eyes… pause… look back where you…


Tuesday Tips | Mind Threads

Mind Threads Mind threads How many times have you caught yourself under pressure, feeling helpless? You say to yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?” For many years, I lived this way not realizing where it came from. I guarantee you; it happens because of this: Some time or another, possibly in the early…
