Tuesday Tips | Animals

Animals Animals Who is to say if animals think? Who’s to say if animals worry about what other animals think of them? So why do we worry about what others think of us? If humans have 50,000 random thoughts a day, why do we care what others think? It’s a waste of time, and it’s…


Tuesday Tips | One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time One Step at a Time Discouraged? Feeling like you’re going nowhere? Disappointed in yourself? First of all, these feelings come from listening to the crazy mind. We create scenarios about our future that seem doable, and yet when we dwell in thought about it, the mind likes to magnify the…


Tuesday Tips | What’s Bugging You?

What’s Bugging You What’s bugging you? The following script pertains to an experience I had recently. I encourage you to use this method when you are feeling depressed or stressed.  Many years ago, I created this exercise to help me break free of the noisy and useless rambling mind activity. I found that it was…


Tuesday Tips | Mental Positions

Mental Positions Mental Positions Identifying yourself with your politics, religion, or favorite cause, is simply your own “mental position.” Trying to convince others you are right and they are wrong simply creates fires! It tears down those bonds you once cherished. Understand this…it is right from your perspective, but not from theirs. Why? Because, most…


Tuesday Tips | If You…It’s Because

If You…It’s Because If you… it’s because  If you fret, it’s because you dwell in thought. If you get angry, it’s because you are dwelling in thought about something in the past. If you get worn out, it’s often because of thinking too much. If you feel anxious, it’s from thinking about the fictional future. If…


Tuesday Tips | Future BS

Future BS Future BS The future can’t be any scarier than right now. Why? Because at that particular time, the future will be present time, just like right now.  So, there is no reason to fear the future! It is all BS!  By living one moment at a time until then, you have a wonderful…


Tuesday Tips | The Future

The Future The Future  The future is not real. It only exists in the mind.  We are always in present time. The future seems real because we fail to recognize the minds’ chatter for what it really is… a whole lot of predictions with worse odds than a casino. Some of the minds’ scenarios about the future…


Tuesday Tips | Find that Place

Find that Place Find that place  It’s behind everything  Behind all the noises and all the sights  Behind all the mind’s interpretations  Beyond all stories Sit in a chair and find it  You’ll notice your breath… go behind it Go behind your location  Go beyond existence  There. You found that place. ———— When you lose…
