Tuesday Tips | Mind Threads

Mind Threads Mind threads How many times have you caught yourself under pressure, feeling helpless? You say to yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?” For many years, I lived this way not realizing where it came from. I guarantee you; it happens because of this: Some time or another, possibly in the early…

Tuesday Tips | The Agony of Defeat

The Agony of Defeat The agony of defeat How many times have we suffered from defeat? Again, and again, sports fans agonize over their team’s loss of a game. For those of us who were rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs to win their second Super Bowl in a row, there was a period of…

Tuesday Tips | WBY

WBY What’s bugging you? (WBY) Here is a form of journaling I use, quite often in the morning, to get my mind cleared out.  I use a legal pad and open up a new page and write at the top “WBY” for What’s Bugging You? First, I ask myself, “What’s bugging you?” Then I quickly…

Tuesday Tips | Recharge Your Battery

Recharge Your Battery Recharge your battery! Are you feeling stressed? Are you running around trying to get somewhere? Competing with others? Trying to outdo someone? The world can seem so crazy. There’s nothing wrong with working hard, but productivity does not define who you are or what you’re worth.  When you are fighting to impress…

Tuesday Tips | Regrets

Regrets Regrets We all have regrets from time to time and we often think or say “If I would have…”, “If I could have…”, or “I should have…” Do we actually believe these statements? Do we think we could have done things differently back then? Or, is it true that at that time in our past…

Tuesday Tips | Finding Peace

Finding Peace Finding Peace  What is peace? Is “peace” freedom from troubles? Do your troubles pertain to something in your past?  Is “peace” freedom from pressures? Are pressures coming from possible outcomes in your future? Is “peace” freedom from worries? Do your worries bog you down or wear you out? Are you feeling stressed? Is “peace” freedom from demands from others? Is this causing anger inside you?…

Tuesday Tips | I Am Human Too

I Am Human Too I am human too! Here I am, a teacher of finding peace, and yet I had a difficult time this morning! Yesterday two of my closest lifetime friends tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. And so, early this morning, wondering about their outcomes, this subject took hold with my mind and…