Tuesday Tips | Stuck in the Muck

Stuck in the Muck Stuck in the muck? Have you ever started your day “on the wrong side of the bed?” You’re annoyed and you can’t tune out the minds’ noise? It’s hard to separate the chatter from reality? Here’s a Tuesday Tip that may help. Start with your breath. It is always there. Just…

Tuesday Tips | Episodes

Episodes Episodes  How many times have you started your day feeling disturbed, angry, or fearful? How many times have you gotten yourself into a dilemma with a friend and it seems impossible to smooth out the struggle? How many times have you gotten all worked up about your finances? Recognize this. What you are experiencing…

Tuesday Tips | Bring in Your Awareness

Bring in Your Awareness Bring In Your Awareness When you notice the difference between your thoughts and the reality of the situation, that’s the beginning of awareness. This is often a moment, a flash that sizzles and disappears. Initially, you will lose yourself again, and the old thoughts will arise, but gradually you gain awareness,…

Tuesday Tips | Getting Lost in the Mind

Getting Lost in the Mind Getting lost in the mind We often find ourselves lost in the mind. What we think is real is simply fictional portrayals of what is going on. Take a deep breath and pause. Look around you right now. Reality is everywhere. For this moment separate the two entities, the thoughts…