Tuesday Tips | One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time One Step at a Time Discouraged? Feeling like you’re going nowhere? Disappointed in yourself? First of all, these feelings come from listening to the crazy mind. We create scenarios about our future that seem doable, and yet when we dwell in thought about it, the mind likes to magnify the…

Tuesday Tips | Discouraged

Discouraged Discouraged? Discouragement happens when you listen to the mind. The mind loves to develop scenarios and build them as large and long as you’re willing to ride along. Since the stories are fictional the mind can “paint” them as extreme and outrageous as you’re willing to accept. As long as you “buy in,” it…

Tuesday Tips | Personal Identity

Personal Identity Personal identity As long as your personal identity, your self-image, is a priority, you will struggle and suffer. When you see yourself as an accomplishment, a particular quality, or character trait, these are just images. When the mind creeps in and finds space to operate, those images all crumble and you feel defeated,…